Chronic Wounds : 1 Diabetic Foot Ulcers | 2 Leg ulcers
1 Kontopodis, N., et al. | 2 Rainys, D., et al.Diabetic Foot Ulcers (DFU)
Effectiveness of RegenPRP® fibrin clot to enhance healing of DFU in patients with concomitant peripheral arterial disease (PAD) and critical limb ischemia5.
Study on 72 patients divided into two groups based on the severity of PAD according to the Fountain classification.

Group A, stage I, IIa and IIb
42 patients without critical limb ischemia
- 86 % of ulcer area reduction of > 50 %
- 83 % of ulcer area reduction of > 90%
- 100 % of limb salvage
Group B, stage III and IV
30 patients with Critical Limb Ischemia
- 73 % of ulcer area reduction of > 50 %
- 56 % of ulcer area reduction of > 90%
- 73 % of limb salvage
Leg ulcers of vascular origin and other aetiologies
Effectiveness of RegenPRP® gel in the treatment of hard-to heal leg ulcers6.
Study on 69 patients (35 in the autologous PRP group and 34 in the control group).
RegenPRP® gel showed superiority over conventional treatment in wound bed coverage with granulation tissue formation. At 8 weeks wound size reduction in the RegenPRP® gel group was 52.35% and 33.36% in the control group.
Chronic ulcer on the lower limb with exposed tendons in a 83 year old woman.

Kontopodis, , et al. Effectiveness of Platelet-Rich Plasma to Enhance Healing of Diabetic Foot Ulcers in Patients With Concomitant Peripheral Arterial Disease and Critical Limb Ischemia. The international journal of lower extremity wounds 15, 45-51 (2016).
Rainys, , et al., Effectiveness of autologous platelet-rich plasma gel in the treatment of hard-to-heal leg ulcers: a randomised control trial. J Wound Care, 2019. 28(10): p. 658-667.